Management & Control

The entire corporate structure is oriented towards the responsible, transparent and efficient management and controlling of the company.

For this reason, the company also supports the targets and principles of the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK). The Management and Supervisory boards as well as the other management levels and employees are obligated to adhere to these principles of responsible corporate governance. The Executive Management Board is responsible for compliance with corporate governance principles within the company.

BRAIN Biotech AG has established efficient compliance structures in relation of the company’s current size and will further develop them in light of growing requirements imposed by the regulatory environment and with a view to the company’s constant development and growth.

As part of compliance, a whistleblower system for potential misconduct on the part of its own employees has been arranged. Employees can notify the whistleblower system of potential misconduct, either anonymously or openly. A whistleblower system from an external provider is used in order to ensure anonymity. After initial allocation, and depending on the corporate areas involved, the whistleblower system forwards such notifications to the Management Board and/or Supervisory Board to instigate countermeasures in the instance of actual misconduct, or for archiving within the whistleblower system if it is established that no misconduct has occurred.