Corporate Management
We are aware that it takes a long time to build a reputation as a reliable company among business partners, employees and the public, and that a single misstep is enough to destroy it. Efficient corporate governance is therefore a key element of our risk control and ESG strategy.
In addition to our own internal guidelines and control mechanisms, we are also guided by external best practices such as the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC), the German Sustainability Code and the UN Global Compact.
Key topics of efficient corporate management are
- Compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC)5,
- Report on compliance with the UN Global Compact and the progress made,
- Report German Sustainability Code (DNK),
- Compliance with BRAIN FCF and BRAIN Red Book,
- strict dual control principle for all key documents, payments and corporate communications,
- Enforce all company quality, health and safety policies, including standard operating procedures,
- efficient Group-wide internal compliance and financial controlling, "BRAIN FCF" and "BRAIN Red Book" as binding guidelines for all Group companies,
- qualified, legally trained internal compliance officer,
- monthly reporting, quarterly forecasts and regular audit meetings with all subsidiaries and key business units.