Annual General Meeting 2019

Annual General Meeting FY 2017/18

Documents for the Annual General Meeting on 07 March 2019

On Agenda Item A1:

Annual Report 2017/18 (full document) (PDF)

Group management report and Consolidated financial statements (from AR 2017/18) (PDF)

Company’s annual financial statement and management report 2017/18 (German version only) (PDF)

Explanatory report by the Executive Board regarding the information pursuant to §§ 289 (4), 315 (4) of the German Commercial Code (HGB) for Fiscal Year 2017/18 (PDF)

On Agenda Item A5:

CV of the candidate nominated for election to the Supervisory Board:

Curriculum Vitae Dr. Majerus (PDF)

Additions to agenda

There are no requests by shareholders to put additional items on the agenda that need to be published.


There are no countermotions by shareholders that need to be published.