BRAIN Biotech publishes first ESG and Sustainability Report

Zwingenberg, June 20, 2022 – BRAIN Biotech AG has published its first ESG and sustainability report. The company, which already directly addresses at least five UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with its products and solutions, sees the accelerated development towards sustainable business as a clear opportunity for the company's further development.

The BRAIN Group companies develop innovative products and services based on enzymes, microorganisms and bioactive natural compounds that help drive the economic transformation towards a sustainable circular economy. In addition to a detailed presentation of the company's sustainability strategy, the sustainability report also contains numerous examples of developments, products and cooperations from the BRAIN Group that are already helping industrial partners to achieve their own sustainability goals more quickly, or will do so in the future. With breakthrough innovations from its own incubator, the BRAIN Group can also make a significant contribution to sustainability in society.

Extensive ESG and impact analysis

The report is based on a comprehensive stocktaking. An ESG team spanning the BRAIN Group has identified and developed the most important topics for BRAIN's stakeholders and derived opportunities and risks for future corporate development from this.

Material ESG issues are of central importance for the business model and also the long-term financial success of BRAIN Biotech. They form an integral part of the company's risk assessment and planning. In addition to the economic and impact topics in focus for the BRAIN Group, the internal ESG analysis has led to the following material topics: strong corporate governance and business ethics, occupational health and safety, IP protection, talent development and product safety.

BRAIN Biotech follows established national and international guidelines in its strategy for sustainable corporate development and reporting. Reporting is based on standards such as the German Sustainability Code, the UN Global Compact, the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and thus meets the increased requirement for transparent sustainability reporting.

Michael Schneiders, Head IR & Sustainability, summarizes: “Most employees at BRAIN have long been passionate about the vision of a bio-based economy, which has contributed to a strong identification with the company. Our sustainability report now provides a detailed insight into how BRAIN will actively contribute to a more sustainable life, both at product and organizational level.”

Sustainability goals formulated for 2032 and beyond

BRAIN has set itself ambitious targets for sustainable corporate development. In addition to environmental, social and governance issues, the strategy for sustainable value enhancement also includes economic and impact targets. The company will document its progress through an annual progress report within the framework of the UN Global Compact (Communication on Progress, COP).

Adriaan Moelker, CEO of BRAIN Biotech AG, leads BRAIN's ESG initiatives at board level. He says: “All companies must contribute to achieving the ambitious global and EU sustainability goals as part of their business activities. I am very pleased that we as BRAIN provide key technologies, scientific services and products, for example from the enzyme sector, for this purpose. Developing sustainable business is anchored in our DNA. We aim to make a difference, and do this profitably in close collaboration with our customers and partners. We truly aspire to help create a bio-based future, and the trend towards sustainability is strongly aligned with that aspiration.”

The Sustainability Report 2022 and the ESG Data Sheet 2022 are available online at